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Occupational Therapy

Therapy consists of Sensory integration, Paediatrics, Neurology, Orthopaedics, Psychiatric, Hand.


Occupational Therapist

Occupational Therapist (OTs) are individuals who work to prevent, assess, diagnose, and treat difficulties concerned with sensory, motor, mental ( cognition ) skills including functional skills, Activities of Daily Living and Fine and gross Motor Skills for children and adults. The role of an occupational therapist is to assist people in overcoming the impacts of impaired functioning caused by sickness, ageing, and/or accidents so that they can carry out daily occupations, whether they are physical, psychological, social, or environmental.


  • Assessing a patient’s conditions, difficulties and requirements
  • Creating treatment programmes to match a patient’s needs and assist them in achieving certain objectives
  • Preparation of customised intervention plans and gaols for each patient
  • Customised adoptive and assistive devices according the patient’s requirements.
  • Assessing a patient’s home and/or work environment and making recommendations for changes to meet the patient’s needs and increase independence.
  • Patients and their carers are being taught how to use specialised devices.
  • Assess and document your progress for purposes of evaluation, billing, and reporting.
  • Administration and documentation of each objectives and progress and report.
  • Customised group intervention planning for all

Problems and Solutions

Conditions Treated by Occupational Therapists:

  • Birth injuries or birth defects
  • Sensory processing disorders
  • Traumatic injuries to the brain or spinal cord
  • Learning problems and Learning Disability
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder
  • Dyslexia
  • Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
  • Mental health or behavioral problems
  • Broken bones or other orthopedic injuries
  • Developmental delays
  • Post-surgical conditions
  • Burns
  • Traumatic amputations
  • Cancer
  • Severe hand injuries including Carpel Tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow and etc
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Cerebral palsy, and other chronic illnesses
  • Ligament injuries
  • Frozen shoulder
  • Neurological conditions like stroke, sciatic pain, hydrocephalous, etc
  • Musculoskeletal conditions like mystenia gravis, muscular dystrophy etc
  • Congenital conditions like congenital anomaly, down syndrome, cleft palates, spina bifida etc

General Deficits to be considered for Occupational Therapy:

Fine motor Skills

  • Not being able to close buttons or zips
  • scribbled sketch
  • Handwriting is sloppy.
  • Picking up little objects takes a long time.
  • Can’t/has a hard time manipulating objects with hand
  • Using two hands at the same time is difficult.
  • Difficulty cutting Paper
  • Messy Work when using hands
  • Have an awkward or immature pencil grasp for their age.
  • Using unwanted heavy pressure on pen or pencil while writing
  • Holding spoons improperly
  • Have messy, slow or laborious drawing, colouring or writing skills.
  • Fatigue quickly when typing or using a mouse on a computer.

Developmental Delay

  • Floppy or loose trunk and limbs
  • Stiff arms and legs
  • limited movement in arms and legs
  • Inability to sit without support by 9 months old
  • Dominance of involuntary reflexes over voluntary movements
  • Inability to bear weight on legs and stand up by about 1 year old
  • Poor functional abilities
  • Delayed in achieving all development according to normal age

Activities of Daily Living

  • Difficulty for the child to perform everyday activities including toileting, feeding, bathing, grooming and mobility.
  • Child is a picky eater or avoids self eating.
  • Child feeds with feeding bottle even after age of 3.
  • Difficulty to dawn and doff clothes
  • Difficulty to tie shoe lace
  • Difficulty in doing activities bilaterally

Sensory problem

  • Child often mouths toys , stares fan or rotates toys when in hand.
  • They gag when they are exposed to different food textures.
  • Have a shaky balance or appear clumsy.
  • Are apprehensive about using the swings.
  • Sudden movements, touching, loud noises, and bright lights have a negative impact on you.
  • Seek thrills (loves jumping, heights, and spinning).
  • Can spin without getting dizzy, always “On the Go”.
  • Don’t pick up on social cues.
  • Don’t recognise personal space.
  • Avoids tight or certain textured garments.
  • Avoids hair or nail cutting
  • Likes to move always and hyperactive
  • Picky while eating
  • Quickly clean up if any thing sticky or wet touches by their hand
  • Seek touch and hugs
  • No feeling of fear to heights and animals

Academic Problem

  • Distractibility and inattention
  • Inconsistent performance and a lack of persistence
  • An attitude to become rapidly bored, speed through, or abandon work
  • Impulsive actions and reckless mistakes
  • Self-correcting mistakes is difficult.
  • Problems with planning, homework flow, and job completion Limited ability to sit still and listen Difficulty with time-limited tasks and tests
  • Difficulty taking notes or multitasking in other ways Difficulty remembering facts
  • Organising and generating written work is difficult.
  • Handwriting that is immature and slow might obstruct expressive writing.
  • Having trouble understanding what you’re reading
  • Trouble in sustaining concentration and attention
  • While letters and numbers in mirror image
  • Find difficulty in reading and writing
  • Find difficulty in comprehension of words while writing and answering

Socialisation problems

  • Poor eye contact
  • Poor peer interaction
  • Poor socialisation
  • Does not like to mingle with others
  • Extremely introvert
  • Poor interaction and participation
  • Poor community based activity participation
  • Solitary play ( likes to play alone )

Behavioural Problems

  • Own imaginary concepts and talks
  • Screaming and shouting unnecessarily
  • Self talk
  • Self laugh
  • Self harming activities
  • Head banging
  • Throwing and fighting
  • Excess shyness
  • Antisocial nature of touching and looking to other or same gender


  • Sensory integration therapy
  • Neuro developmental therapy
  • Proprioceptive neuro-facilitation techniques
  • Wheelchair transfer training
  • Occupation based therapy
  • Developmental therapy
  • Hand writing training
  • Fine and gross motor training
  • Sensory based motor training
  • Behavioural therapy
  • Social skill training
  • Assertiveness training
  • Cognitive skill training
  • Perceptual skill training
  • Group therapy
  • Gait training
  • Bed mobility training
  • Pain management etc

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